
Our services are always tailored to the specific project for each of our clients, based on their needs for sustainable value creation.

Through our interdisciplinary approach, we are able to connect organizational changes with the realization of physical projects and products that fulfill our client’s sustainability ambitions.

We inspire and motivate to take a proactive stance for a better world and turn strategy into action.

We do:


We develop sustainability-oriented architectural projects, working with the materials and buildings that are at hand.

We focus on rehabilitation and transformation before suggesting new structures.

We deliver architecture with a holistic sustainability profile, a strong narrative and a solid business case for people and planet.


Vi udvikler bæredygtighedsfremmende byggerier, hvor vi arbejder med de tilgængelige materialer og bygninger.

Vi fokuserer på renovering og transformation, før vi foreslår nye strukturer.

Vi leverer arkitektur med en holistisk bæredygtighedsprofil, en stærk fortælling og en solid forretningsmodel til gavn for mennesker og planeten.

Early-stage spatial analysis and due diligence to discover development potentials

Udarbejdelse af volumenmæssige studier mhp. identificering udviklingsmuligheder

Early development of visually compelling and sustainability-oriented architecture in collaboration with the client

Udvikling af skitseforslag i samarbejde med kunden mhp. at udfolde arkitektoniske og bæredygtighedsmæssige potentialer

Preparation of detailed architectural and technical documentation that guides the project’s construction phase

Udarbejdelse af projektmateriale samt alle relevante ydelser for alle faser af projekteringen jf. YBL18 til og med aflevering og 1-års gennemgang.

Development of strategies and planning documentation to implement sustainability at a neighbourhood and city scale

Udvikling af projekter i større skala, herunder håndtering af lokalplanprocesser og øvrige myndighedsmæssige processer

Management and coordination of architectural design processes

Styring og koordinering af projekteringsforløb jf. YBL18


We assist clients in developing and implementing sustainability targets, legislative as well as commercial, in specific building projects and at a portfolio level. We deliver consulting that based on learning and dialogue that enables decision-making, fosters innovation, and handles risks up-front.


We assist clients in developing and implementing sustainability targets, legislative as well as commercial, in specific building projects and at a portfolio level. We deliver consulting that based on learning and dialogue that enables decision-making, fosters innovation, and handles risks up-front.

Identification of potentials for resource circulation from buildings

Indledende potentialeafdækning for cirkulering af materialer fra bygninger

Detailed analysis of potentials for resource circulation from buildings

Detaljeret analyse af muligheder for cirkulering af materialer fra bygninger

Advanced design documentation of selected solutions for local material circulation

Fremskudt projektering af udvalgte løsninger for lokal cirkulering af materialer

Identification of potentials and scenarios for building transformation

Afdækning af potentialer og scenarier for transformation af bygninger

Facilitation of workshop(s) and development processes aimed at creating sustainability visions, identifying focus areas, milestones, and timelines

Facilitering af workshop(s) og udviklingsforløb mhp. at udvikle bæredygtighedsvisioner, fastslå indsatsområder, milepæle og tidsplan

Skills upgrading and knowledge enhancement in circular construction practices

Opkvalificering af medarbejderes kompetencer og vidensniveau inden for cirkulære praksisser i byggeriet

Auditoring and management of DGNB certification of buildings and urban districts

Auditoring og ledelse af DGNB-certificering af bygninger og byområder

Compilation and development of required documentation for achieving DGNB certification with a specific product

Udarbejdelse og indsamling af dokumentation til brug for DGNB-certificering med et givent produkt

Auditoring and management of Nordic Swan certification of buildings

Rådgivning ifm. svanemærkning af bygninger og byggevarer

Handling of requirements in relation to the Danish voluntary sustainability class

Håndtering af krav til opnåelse af den Frivillige Bæredygtighedsklasse (FBK)

Advising on how circularity, sustainability, and compliance can become an integral part of the client’s core services

Rådgivning om hvordan cirkularitet, bæredygtighed og compliance kan blive en del af kundens kerneydelser

Identification of potentials for resource circulation based on waste streams from industrial processes

Analyse af potentialer for cirkulering og nyttiggørelse af affaldsstrømme fra f.eks. industrielle processer

Identification of relevant stakeholders with the aim of developing new value chains and collaborations to create more circular and sustainable solutions

Identificering af relevante aktører med henblik på at udvikle nye værdikæder og samarbejder for at skabe mere cirkulære og bæredygtige løsninger

Preparation of tender documents for demolition with process description and outcome requirements to ensure the highest possible recycling rate and value retention

Udarbejdelse af udbudsmateriale med beskrivelse af nedrivningsprocesser samt udfaldskrav for at sikre højest mulige cirkuleringsgrad og værdifastholdelse

Identification of hazardous substances in existing buildings for their (waste) management or further treatment

Identificering af miljøfarlige stoffer i eksisterende byggeri med henblik på deres (affalds) eller videre behandling

Evaluation of a product’s or building’s climate impact

Vurdering af produkt eller bygnings klimapåvirkning

Evaluation of a product’s or building’s total cost of ownership

Vurdering af produkts eller bygnings totaløkonomi

Managing and ensuring that sustainability parameters and ambitions are implemented and governed through development and design phases

Styring og sikring af bæredygtighedsparametre og ambitioner implementeres og forvaltes gennem udvikling og projektering

Mapping building portfolios to establish a strategy for resource management and circulation across buildings within the organization

Kortlægning af bygningsporteføljer mhp. etablering af strategi for ressourcehåndtering og cirkulering på tværs af bygninger

Development of strategies for managing reporting requirements, as well as coordination and preparation of documentation materials related to compliance requirements

Udarbejdelse af strategier for håndtering af afrapporteringskrav samt koordinering og udarbejdelse af dokumentationsmateriale ift. compliancekrav


Planning and execution of innovation processes from idea to approved product

Planlægning og gennemførelse fra idé til godkendt produkt inden for det byggede miljø

Development of business models based on circular economy

Udvikling af forretningsmodeller baseret på cirkulær økonomi

Advising on funding opportunities

Rådgivning om finansieringsmuligheder